Saturday, 30 January 2010


We are flashdance group. We will speak about Delta de l'Ebre: its territory, arts, food, sports, tourism...
We hope that you enjoyed this blog!

Att: Carla, Mar, Laia, Ainoa and Marta.

Friday, 29 January 2010

Map of Delta de l'Ebre

Natural park of Delta de l'Ebre: Delta de l'Ebre is the biggest humid zone of the Catalan lands. With its 320 Km' of area, the aquatic inhabited one more important of the Mediterranean constitutes Westerner, after the Camarga (French Regional Park), and the second of the Spanish State, after the National Park of Doñana.

The Nature Reserve of Delta de l'Ebre has a total area of 7736ha, some of which 3979ha correspond in the region of the Montsià (right hemidelta) and 3757ha which correspond to Baix Ebre (left hemidelta).

The Landscape of this Delta has a strong personality that makes it unique in Catalonia. The totally flat lands give it already a peculiar aspect. In the inland apart from the sectors of crops or irrigated region and of fruit trees, the extens paddies, changing according to the seasons have a special beauty. At the costal band one of the most attractive landscapes of the Mediterranean:big lakes bordered by reed grasses and aquatic plants.

L'encanyissada: it is the biggest lake of Delta de l'Ebre. Near this lake, we can find a museum. In this moment there are all the animals that we can find in the lake of L'encanyissada.

Thursday, 28 January 2010


The Baix Ebre is a region of Catalonia. It is in the province of Tarragona. It was created in 1936 for the Autonomous government of Catalonia. It has got an extension of 1002,7 square kilometres and its population is from 81304 inhabitants. 14 towns form it and the clerk is Tortosa.
Characteristcs of the landscape of this region are the low course from the Ebre river and its delta, the left one, as well as the saws of Teasel-Box, Cavalls and Pàndols and that of the Ports - with the mountain Caro (1442m), the highest peak of the demarcation. There are two natural parks: the Natural Park of Ports and Natural Park of Delta de l'Ebre.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


Fish rice, rice with duck, black rice,soup with rice or rice with beans and turnips are some of the typical dishes in Terres de l'Ebre, as this cereal is one of the main ingredient in the Delta de l'Ebre rich and varied gastronomy related to its food resources -hunting, fishing and rice crops- and the inland orchards. To promote this special cuisine, from the beginning of February to the end of May, about twenty restaurants in Terres de l'Ebre join the rice route, a fantastic proposal to taste a great deal of dishes with the varieties of rice. Restaurants of the rice route:

            Tuesday, 26 January 2010


            Delta de l'Ebre has got a lot of outdoor activities and adventure sports to enjoy a great day in Delta de l'Ebre.
            If you want see all the activities and sports you can click in this link:



            Monday, 25 January 2010


            If you feel like getting new experiences, you will find in Terres de l'Ebre a great variety of natural espaces. You'ill have a great offer of services to enjoy the contact with the natural environment.

            In Delta de l'Ebre we can find: family hotels, farmhouses or ancient parental homes have been restored for those tourists interested in discovering the peculiarities of country life, its culture and the rural heritage of the Ebre regions.
            This picture is a very famous museum. This museum is made of wood. Is called "la casa de fusta".

            Is the science of birds. In Delta de l'Ebre we can see a lot of strange birds. It's called birdwatching. There are some itineraries. We explain the itineraries 1 and 2:
            - between them they cover the major part of birdwatching sites in Natural Park. Its variety of lakes, dunes and beaches, there are a beautiful site to take photographs.

            Sunday, 24 January 2010


            Baix Ebre has a lot of beautiful beaches.

            Riumar beach

            Riumar beach, which has had Blue Flag status since 1997, has an area of 1.100 km and is located at the edge of El Garxal, a zone of special natural interest near the Ebro river mouth.

            La bassa d'Arena beach
            This unspoilt, extensive and peaceful beach is 3 km long and a continuation of Riumar beach.

            La Marquesa beach
            2.3 km long beach of high scenic and natural interest.It has a bar-restaurant service.

            Punta del Fangar beach
            The Punta del Fangar is reached along a sandy track from La Marquesa beach.
            The geographical and natural features of the point make it one of the Delta’s most remarkable sites

            Saturday, 23 January 2010