Fish rice, rice with duck, black rice,soup with rice or rice with beans and turnips are some of the typical dishes in Terres de l'Ebre, as this cereal is one of the main ingredient in the Delta de l'Ebre rich and varied gastronomy related to its food resources -hunting, fishing and rice crops- and the inland orchards. To promote this special cuisine, from the beginning of February to the end of May, about twenty restaurants in Terres de l'Ebre join the rice route, a fantastic proposal to taste a great deal of dishes with the varieties of rice. Restaurants of the rice route:
- Restaurant l'Alguer - L'Ametlla de Mar
- Restaurant Bar Censals - El Perelló
- Restaurant Can Quimet - L'Aldea
- Restaurant Masia Pla dels Catalans - L'Aldea
- Hotel Restaurant Llansola - Sant Carles de la Ràpita
- Restaurant Miami Can Pons - Sant Carles de la Ràpita
- Hotel Miami Mar - Sant Carles de la Ràpita
- Restaurant 'Can Machino' - Els Muntells
- Delta Hotel Restaurant - Deltebre
- Restaurant Nuri - Deltebre
- Hotel HC Montsià - Amposta
- Restaurant La Plaça - Tortosa
- Paiolet Restaurant - Tortosa
- Parador de Tortosa
- Restaurant el Riu - Tortosa
- Restaurant Amaré - Roquetes
- Restaurant Bon Profit - Roquetes
- Restaurant Fonda Barcelona - Móra la Nova
- Hotel Restaurant Miralles - Horta de Sant Joan
- Sidreria Amets - Tortosa
- Restaurant el Parc - Tortosa
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