Friday, 29 January 2010

Map of Delta de l'Ebre

Natural park of Delta de l'Ebre: Delta de l'Ebre is the biggest humid zone of the Catalan lands. With its 320 Km' of area, the aquatic inhabited one more important of the Mediterranean constitutes Westerner, after the Camarga (French Regional Park), and the second of the Spanish State, after the National Park of DoƱana.

The Nature Reserve of Delta de l'Ebre has a total area of 7736ha, some of which 3979ha correspond in the region of the MontsiĆ  (right hemidelta) and 3757ha which correspond to Baix Ebre (left hemidelta).

The Landscape of this Delta has a strong personality that makes it unique in Catalonia. The totally flat lands give it already a peculiar aspect. In the inland apart from the sectors of crops or irrigated region and of fruit trees, the extens paddies, changing according to the seasons have a special beauty. At the costal band one of the most attractive landscapes of the Mediterranean:big lakes bordered by reed grasses and aquatic plants.

L'encanyissada: it is the biggest lake of Delta de l'Ebre. Near this lake, we can find a museum. In this moment there are all the animals that we can find in the lake of L'encanyissada.

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